Hello my friends,
I´m back from the big special exhibition and event
"3.Sagenhaftes Schaubergwerk" in the Museum in Sassenroth. We had almost 1000 visitors and it was a great success !
I will soon upload photos from this exhibition at (please click) Sagenhaftes Schaubergwerk please visit often because I won´t be able to load all pics at once. It should have been an exhibition of my and Karin Caspar´s work but I´m so sorry that Karin was´n able to participate, but I hope she will enjoy all the pics !!!I took all the things with me which Karin had made for my private collection and have exhibited more than 100 of my original dolls and figures . I hope you´ll enjoy all the photos.
And I´m almost off again to the next exhibition:
6+7 November 2010 (Samstag +Sonntag)Puppenfesttage mit Teddytreffen, Sportzentrum Oberstufengymnasium/ Berufl. Schulen, Südring 37, 37269 Eschwege
and something else to share is the article which is just published in the german magazine Dolls Puppen

Hope to see you soon,
xxx Silke
P.S. I´m so sorry I missed Kat the Hat Lady´s Halloweenparty, it was to much for me last weekend, all the set up of the figures and after the show two more days to wrapp and pack them again to take them home again.... but I´ll promise I´ll be in next time Kat !!!
---click on images to see these in a bigger size---
Silke, The show must have been incredible! Your work is so stunning and must have looked wonderful if you had 100 dolls to show.....that is amazing! I look forward to the pictures that you will post!
AntwortenLöschenLovely work you do.Just gorgeous!
AntwortenLöschenOhhhhh yes, I enjoy all the wonderful pictures. They are great, wonderful and mystic.
AntwortenLöschenThe work you have done for that exhibition is unbelievable and your dolls are outstanding!!! I love them all!!!
Silke thank you so much for all you have done for me!
Big hugs,
Hi girls, thanks so much !!!
AntwortenLöschenYes please check the > germanfairytales.blogspot.com < site often to see new photos. I´m trying to upload them all till tomorrow.. and enjoy !!!
xxx Silke
wow resto affascinata dalle tue creazioni sono magnifiche