availables in my Etsy shop

Mittwoch, 31. März 2010

Frohe Ostern ! Happy Easter !

I know it´s almost to late to list Easterbunnies in my Etsy Onlineshop...but I did it, LOL

Have a great Easter time !
Ich weiß es ist schon fast zu spät um Osterhasen in meinem Etsy Onlineshop zu listen...aber ich hab´s getan ;o)

Frohe Ostern !!!!!!!!!
XXX Silke

3 Kommentare:

  1. Adorable bunnies, the little one is so so cute! With his little trolley I love him to bits! and that table of goodies yum Silke well done! Kate xxx

  2. Me encantan tus personajes y los conejitos son una preciosidad.
    Nunca es tarde para ver maravillas!!!!
    Feliz Pascua!!!!
    besitos ascension

  3. Vrolijk Pasen
    That is happy Easther in Dutch.
    I love the Easter scene you made and also your new dolls are lovely.
