So guess what else ? We will be in the US during Halloween !!! booohooooo..... isn´t that cool ???!!!
I have two Babysitters for the house and the cats. I have warm clothes for the upper eastcoast and light clothes for the lower eastcoast in the bag, slippers and boots, two cameras and 5 Gigabyte to saving photos :o) I´ll try to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando as well as the National Christmas Museum in Lancaster. I´ll promise to take as many photos as I can and show you the best when I´m back. Cross your fingers that the cameras will work !!!But I won´t leave you all here without any autumn impressions from my hometown here.... I had to test the handling of my new/old camera ( I found a great used one at Ebay ! Does perfect shots outside !!)
And here are the results from our latest walk in our little Village where we are living ...
What do you say ?
Is that a good camera or what ? ;o)

xxx talk to you in a few weeks ;o)